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Contact UsHair Transplantation (FUE)

FUE hair transplantation is also known as Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplantation or Follicular Transfer (FT).
The name itself suggests the meaning of the technique. It is a process in which a group of two to four hair follicles is extracted from the donor region. This technique has broadened the scope of hair transplant procedures.
Now, with this technique, it is possible to extract hair follicles from different body parts other than the head, such as beard, upper back, and chest. So, these body hair follicles can then be transplanted on the head. It should be kept in mind that different method addresses different problems and it is extremely vital to visit an experienced surgeon for the replacement.
It is a comparatively newer technique as compared to the older methods of hair transplantation. Instead of taking a complete strip from a donor area, only individual follicles are taken so less stitching is required in the donor area leaving little or no scars.
In this method, the natural look is completely maintained and lets you live your life in the most confident manner.Advantages of FUE ::
- It is a Suture less surgery.
- There would not be visible scarring.
- Less Invasive Technique.
- Easy Recovery.
- Possible to maintain shorter hairs without notice.
- Completely Safe & Scientific method for bald spots.
- Effects seen within a few sessions.
Treatment Procedure
The treatment procedure for Hair Transplantation (FUE) is as follows:
- The FUE hair transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia, firstly by cleaning the donor area after shaving it to proper length.
- Extraction of the follicular units is done individually out of donor area with appropriate size punches. These grafts are kept in a holding solution till the recipient area is prepared. The angle of hair exit from donor area varies in different areas.
- The last step consists of implantation of these extracted follicles to cover the bald area as per the requirement of the patient. Cold chain maintenance is very important as these procedures may take longer time for extraction.
- For advanced grades of baldness, there is a need for more grafts and more sessions. Generally, there is no specific time gap between the sessions for FUE.
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s)
FUE Treatment is considered one of the best options today for hair loss and partial baldness. In this procedure, the scalp tissue is not removed from the head. Instead, every single hair graft is extracted from the donor area and planted on the bald area, which makes it an excellent option to regrow hair in cases of hair loss.
In the donor and recipient areas, the patients will be given local anaesthesia. Almost every patient has reported that they didn't feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery. However, after the surgery, there might be some numbness and swelling in the treated area, also some mild discomfort. This numbness, swelling and discomfort will subside soon.
The hair transplantation results will look completely natural. In fact, any other person will not be able to differentiate whether you actually have undergone transplantation or not.
The cost of the procedure will depend upon the number of grafts to be transplanted and the number of sessions required. You can visit us at our clinic, or call us at our given numbers to schedule an appointment and know more about the type of hair loss you have and the costs involved.