Hair Services
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Contact UsHair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is very common in today's modern world, and is caused due to many factors, which may be external (pollution, unhygienic living conditions) or internal (genetics, stress, poor lifestyle choices, malnutrition), etc. Hair loss differs for both men and women and hence, requires different types of treatment procedures.
Male Hair Loss
One of the major causes of male hair loss is genetic factors. People with 1st and 2nd degree relatives suffering from baldness are more likely to experience hair loss problems. The inheritance from maternal or paternal sides both affect the problem.
The second major cause of male hair loss is DHT (dihydro testeosterone). The male hormone responsible for male characteristics is testosterone and sometimes under the action of a particular type of enzyme (5 - alpha reductase), it gets converted to DHT. This DHT attaches itself to the hair roots not allowing new follicles to grow leading to hair loss.
Male baldness always grows with time damaging your confidence and personality. It may start with the forehead, growing itself upto the back of your head and ultimately resulting in complete baldness.
Female Hair Loss
Women's hair thinning and hair loss can be multifactorial unlike males, which is mostly genetic. The main causes of hair loss among women is stress, post pregnancy hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency anaemia, nervous disorders, etc.
Some women may also experience severe hair loss at the age of 35-40 because of the lower levels of estrogen as they are approaching menopause.
The female hair loss follows a Ludwig classification, which is a 3-stage classification:
- Hair fall mostly occurs on the top and front of the scalp and is very mild. This stage is the most easy to control with certain medicines and a good diet.
- Hair loss is aggravated causing severe thinning of hair leading to lower hair volume and some bald spots on the head.
- The most intense stage of hair loss where several bald spots might appear and the remaining hair strands are also very thin and easily susceptible to damage.
Treatment Procedures
Hair loss treatment procedures may be surgical or non-surgical depending upon the intensity of hair loss. The most common non-surgical treatments include providing medication, surface hair regrowth techniques, dietary changes, etc. Surgical treatments include hair transplantation procedures.